Elitism we all worship, Elitism we all want.

sakibul islam sazzad
2 min readJan 25, 2022

To me, the movement in SUST was a movement to break the social disparity, exploitation going on for the last 50 years in this country. We somehow created, worshipped some elite but today it proved the aristocrats of the society will never pay heed to the mass people. They are too ruthless to express empathy. In this country, students enrol in a university with some hope that they will someday bring justice against the discrimination they encountered. The day goes on, someday society makes them elite, but the survival mode of the society make them monsters. My words might seem weird but this is the hidden truth.

In classes topper hardly argue with teachers, cause it is the unofficial rule if they fight for justice they will be marked and their dream to be a faculty will be demolished with some politics. So it’s better to be silent. This is the vicious cycle that goes on from years to years. You will never find our so-called best of best ever think about the rickshaw puller, a day labourer. 90% of this country are oppressed anyhow but we all want to be the rest 10% of the elite. Cause elitism is cool and elitism justifies exploitation. Why do students want to be BCS cadres?

Just to oppress cause in the socioeconomic ladder we all want to stay in the upper hand. A few days ago I was surprised why all teachers are against the students, why they are not caring about students lives? The answer is simple, we created the monsters, we created without empathy. We gave them chance to only study for him, not for the others. From their student’s life, they are practising this, now we are expecting that they will show empathy to their own students. How do you think that?

SUSTians fought against this so-called elitism, wanted to break this elitism but they were the lonely fighters. History will remember you. Remember this day, you will be alone but trust you will never ever find these students to support. You exposed how dirty politics you can do only for some favours, totally flaunted your own students. You will be all alone to die, You will be all alone to fight when the day comes- mark the words.



sakibul islam sazzad

Author of “Feynman Diagram” very first written book in Bangla on Quantum Electrodynamics.